Hilfiker retaining walls with full height cast-in-place panels
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TRIS Online Accession Number:625099
Edition:Construction report
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NTL Classification:NTL-HIGHWAY/ROAD TRANSPORTATION-Construction and Maintenance
Abstract:Construction of retaining walls utilizing full height panels introduces a degree of indeterminacy to the structure. The ability to effectively analyze the internal behavior of such systems, and limited field performance, qualifies them as appropriate to the experimental category. Arizona recently utilized this technique for building three permanent earth retaining structures at the interchange of I-10 and 24th Street in Phoenix, Arizona. The construction technique chosen was the Hilfiker Reinforced Soil Embankment with cast-in-place concrete facing. The construction of the N.E. wall started in September 1986 and finished in January 1987, while the construction of the S.W. wall started in October 1986 and finished in November 1987. The construction of the S.E. wall started in August 1987 and finished in December 1987. Settlement and movement of the walls are monitored by surveying bench marks embedded in the walls caps. Settlement up to 0.65 in. was measured in the N.E. wall with a maximum lateral movement of 1.1 in. after three months of construction. Hairline cracks and air pockets are visible in the finished sections of the concreted panels for these walls. /Abstract from report summary page/
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