Evaluation of retroreflectometers.
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Edition:Final Report: October 18, 2001 - June 30, 2002
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Abstract:This project performed field-testing and analysis of two pavement marking retroreflectometers: the Laserlux and the
LTL2000. The Laserlux is a vehicle–mounted device that takes readings at driving speed and produces
computerized output. The LTL2000 is a hand-held device that also provides computerized output. The Federal
Highway Administration (FHWA) may soon establish standards for pavement marking retroreflectivity, so the
Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) wished to establish which of the two devices would be most
useful in complying with future standards.
The cost analysis of the two retroreflectometers clearly indicated that the Laserlux is the more cost effective
retroreflectometer when measuring the approximately 11,000-centerline miles of the ALDOT system for an analysis
period of eight years. The cost to test pavement markings for those circumstances is approximately $5/mile of
marking per year for the Laserlux and approximately $35/mile of marking per year for the LTL2000. Only one
Laserlux and one crew would be required to perform the testing. Eight LTL2000s and eight crews would be
required to perform the same task.
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