Connecticut highway design manual
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Connecticut highway design manual

Filetype[PDF-3.49 MB]



  • Corporate Creators:
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  • Edition:
    Includes March 2000 revisions & errata
  • Corporate Publisher:
  • Abstract:
    Connecticut is blessed with an exceptionally strong sense of time and place, its bustling towns and quiet villages linked by a web of roads, some of which began before the coming of Columbus as trails and paths linking Indian settlements. The rich heritage of Connecticut needs to continue. Highway and bridge engineers, amongst many others, are key players in achieving this goal. Engineers have the challenge to not only maintain and upgrade the transportation system to meet the operational and safety needs of the Department, but also to minimize the environmental, historic, cultural, aesthetic, social and economic impacts. The Connecticut Highway Design Manual has been developed to provide uniform design practices for preparing roadway plans. The Connecticut Highway Design Manual has been developed to provide uniform design practices for

    preparing roadway plans. The Manual presents most of the information normally required in the design of a typical highway project. The highway designer must consider the social, economic or environmental impacts that result from the design values selected. The highway designer should develop solutions that meet the Department?s operational and safety requirements while preserving the aesthetic, historic or cultural resources of an area. The Department has designated certain highways or segments of highways that abut significant natural or cultural features as Scenic Highways. The criteria for and listing of Scenic Highways is included in an Appendix to Chapter One. The large manual can be navigated by the hyperlinked table of contents which link in turn to a hyperlinked table of contents for the chapter itself. Each chapter has references at the end of the chapter. While the table of contents shows an index, it is not included in this PDF version.

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