Walking- and cycling track networks in Norwegian cities : cost-benefit analyses including health effects and external costs of road traffic : summary
Alternative Title:Gang-og Sykkelvegnett i Norski Byer. Nytte-Kostnadsanalyser Inkludert Helseeffekter og Eksterne Kostnader av Motorisert Vegtrafikk
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Abstract:Cost- benefit analyses of walking- and cycling track net-works in three Norwegian cities are presented in this study. A project group working with a National Cycling Strategy in Norway initialised the study. Motivation for starting the study is the Parliament’s request to the Gov-ernment (St.meld.nr 24 (2000-2001)) where the Govern-ment are asked to: “prepare a National Cycling Strategy where the main goal is to make it safer and more attrac-tive to choose bicycle as means of transport. This Strat-egy must form a part of the National Transport Plan.” The Norwegian Agency for Health and Social Welfare, and the Norvegian Public Roads Administration financed the study.
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