Practices, technologies, and usage of incident management and traveler information exchange and sharing in Texas
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Edition:Research: June 1999-May 2001
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Abstract:In this report, researchers present a review of the practices and technologies being used in Texas for incident management and traveler information exchange and sharing. Through interviews and site visits, researchers assimilated data from the Dallas, Fort Worth, Housston, and San Antonio Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) districts to determine what information is being shared, with whom, and how that information is being disseminated within existing operating philosophies of the various agencies and private entities involved. Currently, all of the districts contacted share video (real-time continuous and snapshots), speed information, real-time incident information, and scheduled lane/road closure information with other public and private entities. The most comon method utilized by TxDOT for disseminating information is the Internet. TxDOT also extensively operates dynamic message signs to provide information to travelers en routs. Other methods employed include direct connections (e.g., fiber), email, telephone, fax, low power television, in-vehicle navigation units, lane control signals, and kiosks.
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