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Abstract:Representatives from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and several 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 121 air carriers met several times during 1999-2000 to develop a system engineering model of the generic functions of air carrier operations. From these meetings, the team developed the Air Carrier Operations System Model (ACOSM), version 1.0. ACOSM serves as the foundation for FAA research, engineering and development (R,E&D) efforts to support a system safety approach to aviation safety oversight. It is currently being used in the development of safety performace measures and risk indicators; work processes to support the collection of data to be used in analysis; and analytical methods, including information presentation. The model also provides an important communications beidge between the FAA and the aviation industry during this evolution of a system safety approach. For example, each carrier has its own internal models of their processes. By developing an external model in which industry and FAA participants identify and agree upon the functions and definitions of the model, a standard model is put forward that provides a common point of reference. Thus, everyone is looking at the same model, using the same definitions, and talking about the same thing. The model structure uses the Integrated Definition Function Model (IDEF0) format, as defined in Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) publication 183, and as captured in BPwin, a commercial product from Platinum Technologies. With this strauctured language and tool, the analysis of critical system interactions and potential system vulnerabilities will be enhanced and clarified. The descriptions of complex operations will be explicit and open. ACOSM concentrates on the following key air carrier operation processes: Operational Management, Air Transportation, Aircraft Maintenance, Personnel Training, and Operational Resources Provision.
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