Compendium : graduate student papers on advanced surface transportation systems, 1999
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Abstract:This document is the culmination of the ninth offering of an innovative transportation engineering graduate course at Texas A&M University entitled, “Advanced Surface Transportation Systems”. The ninth offering of the course was presented during the summer 1999 term. As part of the course, a Mentors Program provides students with unique learning experiences. Six top-level transportation professionals from private enterprise and departments of transportation, who are leaders in their field and who have extensive experience with Intelligent Transportation Systems, were invited to Texas A&M University to present a 1½-day Symposium on Advanced Surface Transportation Systems at the beginning of the summer term. Immediately following the Symposium, the students enrolled in the course participated in a Forum and a Workshop with the transportation professionals and course instructor. Each student had discussions with the transportation professionals and the course instructor to identify a topic area for a term paper. Based on mutual interests, each student was assigned to one of the professionals who served as a mentor (along with the course instructor) for the remainder of the summer term. Each student worked with his/her mentor and course instructor to identify a topic area and objectives for a term paper. In addition to discussions with the course instructor, the students (communicating via telephone, fax, email, and mail) worked directly with the mentors throughout the term while preparing their term papers. The mentors returned to the Texas A&M University campus near the end of the summer term to hear and critique the students’ presentations.
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