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Abstract:Department of Energy (DOE) AL Weapons Surety Division (WSD) requires the SR-101 Inert Reservoir Package to
meet applicable hazardous material transportation requirements. This Safety Analysis Report (SAR) is based on
requirements in place at the time of packaging development (ea. 1992). Both DOE Order 5610.1, Packaging and
Transporting of Nuclear Explosives, Nuclear Components, and Special Assemblies, and AL Supplemental Direetive
5610.1, Rev. 1, Pacbging and Transportation of Components and Special Assemblies Associated with the Nuclear
Weapons Program, Chapter III, provide the requirement to prepare a safety ardysis report. DOE Order 5610.1 I
requires that “nuclear explosives, nuclear components, and speeial assemblies must be packaged and transported to
providea levelof safetyat leastcomparableto that providedby the packagingand shipment,in accordancewith
applicable regulations, of other radioactive and explosive material”. AL Supplemental Directive 5610.1, Rev. 1,
restates this requirement for nuclear components and speeial assemblies. Specifically, the supplemental direetive
states these items will be shipped in packages that shall achieve a similar or higher level of protection compared to
that provided by federally specified transportation requirements for other hazardous, radioactive, and explosive
The reservoirs do not meet ail the requirements for shipment as a DOT Specification package. To demonstrate
compliance with the requirements set forth in DOE Order 5610.1, the format and content for a DOE alternative per
DOE Order 1540.2, Chapter IV, is followed. The SAR provides the basis for the determination that the SR-101 Inert
Reservoir Package provides a level of safety at least comparable to that provided by a package with the same contents shipped in accordance with the applicable DOT regulations.
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