Distribution Depot Revenues
Alternative Title:Audit Report : Distribution Depot Revenues
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Abstract:The issue of Distribution Depot revenues was identified during our audit of the revenue accounts in the FY 1996 Defense Business Operations Fund financial statements (the revenue accounts audit). The revenue accounts audit was initiated to support the Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-576, November 15, 1990) as amended by the Federal Financial Management Act of 1994 (Public Law 103-356, October 13, 1994). In FY 1996, DOD reported $73.7 billion of revenues in the Defense Business Operations Fund, $1.2 billion of which were attributable to the Defense Logistics Agency Distribution Depot business area. This is the seventh and final report in a series of reports on issues related to FY 1996 revenues
in the Defense Business Operations Fund. See Appendix B for details of those reports.
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