Baltimore region rail system plan : report of the advisory committee
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ROSA P serves as an archival repository of USDOT-published products including scientific findings, journal articles, guidelines, recommendations, or other information authored or co-authored by USDOT or funded partners. As a repository, ROSA P retains documents in their original published format to ensure public access to scientific information.

Baltimore region rail system plan : report of the advisory committee



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  • Abstract:
    This report by a committee of public and private leaders makes recommendations for a comprehensive rail transit system for the greater Baltimore metropolitan area. The objectives of the plan are simple: 1) to establish, over the next ten years, a true system of rail lines that provides fast and reliable rail service between major life activity centers in the region; 2) to serve areas with the greatest concentration of population and employment; and 3) to make the most of prior transportation investments in order to achieve the greatest benefits from future investments. A bus system to complement this rail system is seen as of utmost importance. When completed the rail system will be stretch 109 miles, with 66 miles of new track being added to 43 miles of existing Metro and light rail track. The system will consist of six lines with possibly as many as 122 stations. It is felt by the advisory committee that this proposed system will efficiently meet the current and future needs of area residents and contribute to sustaining a prosperous regional economy. Figures, tables. (19p.; 3.9Mb)
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