Continuous Evaluation Of In-Service Highway Safety Feature Performance
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Abstract:This report documents the research effort, findings, conclusions, and recommendations of a study to develop a program for the continuous in-service evaluation of highway safety features. The study consisted of two phases and eight tasks. An in-service evaluation program was developed, which includes the following four major subsystems:
7 Level I - Continuous Monitoring Subsystem: A computerized database created by merging four linked files: highway and traffic data, accident data, maintenance data, and roadside feature inventory.
7 Level II - Supplemental Data Collection Subsystem: Supplemental field collection of data on the roadway, roadside and selected safety feature, and manual review of hard copies of police accident reports to obtain information otherwise not available from the computerized database.
7 Level III - In-depth Investigation Subsystem: In-depth investigation of selected accidents to assess performance of roadside safety features.
7 New Product Evaluation Subsystem: Targeted at potential problems encountered with the construction/ installation and maintenance of new roadside safety devices.
A field trial of the Level II supplemental data collection subsystem, which demonstrated its feasibility, was successfully conducted with the assistance of the ADOT Phoenix Maintenance District and the Arizona Department of Public Safety. It is recommended that ADOT consider the establishment of a continuous in-service evaluation program. The programmay be implemented in phases, depending on the availability of manpower and resources.
The conceptual framework of a proposed National Center for In-Service Performance Evaluation of Roadside Safety Features was also developed under this study and presented in a white paper. It is recommended that this idea be pursued further, particularly with the AASHTO Task Force on Roadside Safety or the Mid-States Pooled Fund Program. References, 2 appendices, 6 tables. 74 p.
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