Air Quality Conformity Determination Of the Constrained Long Range Plan And The FY99-2004 Transportation Improvement Program For The Washington Metropolitan Region
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Abstract:This report documents the assessment of the Constrained Long Range Plan (CLRP) and the FY99-2004 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) with respect to air quality conformity requirements under the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. The assessment used the criteria and procedures contained in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s final conformity rule, published in the November 24, 1993 Federal Register with amendments on August 7, 1995, November 14, 1995 and August 15, 1997. The assessment is a responsibility of the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board.
The report presents an overview of the conformity requirements contained in the legislation and documents the technical procedures used in the analysis including travel demand forecasting, emissions calculation procedures and impacts of transportation emission reduction measures. The analysis demonstrates that mobile source emissions, estimated for the TIP and for each analysis year of the long range plan, adhere to the volatile organic compound, nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide emissions budgets established by the Metropolitan Washington Air Quality Committee and approved for conformity analyses by the EPA.
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