National Center for Transit Research annual report : July 2001
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National Center for Transit Research annual report : July 2001

  • 2001-07-01

Filetype[PDF-509.00 KB]



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  • Abstract:
    The National Center for Transit Research is fully engaged in its mission of enhancing the performance and relevance of public transportation and alternative forms of transportation in urban areas. Research faculty at NCTR already have completed eight research projects, ranging from identifying methods of improving security for transit bus operators to developing guidebooks for establishing and improving the performance of transportation management associations. Another 30 projects are in various stages of completion, and the majority of those will be completed by December 2001. Each of them will result in information that will be practical and of immediate use to transit agencies, MPOs, or other agencies charged with implementing improvements to transit and other alternative means of travel. The results of the research being conducted are being widely shared with the transportation industry. Completed reports are available on line through our website, which has been enhanced to include webcast digital videos that allow visitors to hear and see presentations of the research that has been completed. In addition, multiple listservs have been established in areas dealing with telecommuting, transportation demand management, bus rapid transit, and transit planning and management. Nearly 1,000 members participate in the listservs, sharing information freely and rapidly as these electronic networks become increasingly popular and effective.
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