Combating terrorism : intergovernmental cooperation in the development of a national strategy to enhance state and local preparedness
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Abstract:This is the statement of Patrica A. Dalton, Director, Strategic Issues, before the Subcommittee on Government Efficiency, Financial Management, and Intergovernmental Relations, Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives regarding preparedness for terrorist events. The testimony discusses issues critical to successful federal leadership of, assistance to, and partnerships with state and local governments in the area of terrorist event preparedness. Because the national security threat is diffuse and the challenge is highly intergovernmental, national policy makers must formulate strategies with a firm understanding of the interests, capacity, and challenges facing those governments in addressing these issues. The comments today are based on a body of the General Accounting Office's (GAOs) work on terrorism and emergency preparedness and policy options for the design of federal assistance, as well as on their review of many other studies. GAO deems the development of a national strategy that will improve national preparedness and enhance partnerships between federal, state, and local governments to guard against terrorist attacks to be a necessity. The creation of the Office of Homeland Security under the leadership of Tom Ridge is an important and potentially significant first step. Key aspects of the national strategy should also include: (1) a definition and clarification of the appropriate roles and responsibilities of federal, state and local entities; (2) the establishment of goals and performance measures to guide the nation's preparedness efforts; and (3) a careful choice of the most appropriate policy tools of government to best implement the national strategy and achieve national goals.
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