Traffic Noise Measurements at FM 3009 Greenfield Village Subdivision, City of Schertz, Texas
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Abstract:Objectives of the studies were to: (1) determine by quantitative measurements and computer simulation modeling the effectiveness of the noise barriers; (2) determine the traffic noise intrusion through openings in the barriers at streets entering the residential areas; (3) conduct a community opinion survey to characterize the subjective effectiveness of the noise barriers; and (4) compare field measurements with computer-modeled results. Project efforts resulted in the development and application of a source-referenced noise level measurement and spatial contouring method for characterizing noise barrier insertion loss measurements with measurements at locations without the noise barrier. A mail-distributed opinion survey questionaire was developed that resulted in a 60% return from the 289 residences in the subdivision. The overall results of the opinion survey indicated that 69% of the primary receiver residences had positive opinions concerning the effectiveness of the noise barrier installation.
Field measurements indicated the insertion loss along the continuous noise barrier to be 8-12 dB in the yards of the primary receivers adjacent to FM 3009. Noise intrusion through residential street openings in the barrier panels reduced the insertion loss measured in the yards of the primary receiver by 4-6 dB, depending on the specific primary receiver yard layout.
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