An Identification Process and Evaluation Framework for Texas Gulf Containerports
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TRIS Online Accession Number:00921504
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Abstract:This is the second in a series of four reports prepared by the Center for Transportation Research at the University of Texas at Austin for the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) to explore containership activity in the Gulf of Mexico. The original scope of work for this report was to produce a process for selecting a candidate port to become a containership load center among Texas Gulf ports. As the project progressed, however, the scope was expanded to also provide a port evaluation process that would be useful to all Texas ports that might provide containership service. The report begins by identifying and discussing relevant topics of port development and operations in four general areas: infrastructure demands; environmental constraints; locational attraction and landside access; and port finance. After introducing the issues surrounding these topics, the report proposes a load center selection process and a containerport evaluation process. The procedure for constructing a load center selection process concentrates on the following: heuristic methods; selecting matrix parameters; parameter criteria; and the scoring and weighting of these parameters and criteria. The port evaluation process focuses on identifying baseline characteristics, determining objectives and alternatives, assessing these objectives and alternatives, and identifying a preferred alternative and its constraints. In its conclusion, the report recommends that these techniques be reviewed and tested on selected Texas ports and that the data collected for the project's decision tools be stored and updated in a database for TxDOT's future use.
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