The Development Of An Independent Locking Securement System For Mobility Aids In Public Transportation Vehicles: Volume 2
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Abstract:The Quality Functional Deployment (QFD) method was used for the design of the Independent Locking Securement (ILS) System, developed by the Oregon State University. The project entailed the design, construction, and testing of the ILS system prototypes. The QFD approach included surveying present technology, establishing customer requirements, studying design loads, determining functional decomposition of the device requirements, establishing engineering requirements, bench marking present technology, generating new ideas, selecting a final design, construction of several prototypes, conducting human-factor testing, and undertaking both static and dynamic tests, and making final recommendation of the design. An Advisory Committee consisting of persons with disabilities and representatives of a number of transit agencies assisted with the design and calibration of the QFD matrix. The final report is in two volumes. Volume 1 documents the QFD methodology and the development of the final design specifications and the state of the art in securement systems. Volume 2 describes the ILS system concept, and documents the results of the human factors testing, static and dynamic testing, and makes recommendations for the final design concept. An Executive Summary describes both the development and the concept of the ILS system.
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