Determinants of Youth Attitudes and Skills towards Which Drinking/Driving Prevention Programs Should Be Directed
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Edition:Final report
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Abstract:The results are presented of a multi-component study which developed recommendations to improve strategies to prevent youth drinking and driving and riding with impaired drivers. Phase 1 of the study explored the underlying assumptions, premises, objectives, activities and outcomes of existing prevention programs nationwide. Phase 2 gathered additional data based on the findings of Phase 1 that would determine the validity of the program assumptions and premises identified in Phase 1; and identified additional attitudes and skills necessary for the development of DWI avoidance behaviors in youth. The methods and results of Phase 1 are discussed in two previous Department of Transportation Publications (DOT HS 806 903 and DOT HS 806 904). The report focuses on the methods and results of Phase 2. Three research studies are described: 1) A survey of youth drawn from junior high schools, high schools, and junior colleges in five diverse geographic locations, 2) interviews with youth in the same five locations who reported engaging in drinking/driving or riding with an impaired driver, and 3) focus groups with youth that explored the acceptability of current popular drinking/driving prevention strategies. The results of this study are discussed as they relate to the refinement and/or reconceptualization of youth drinking/driving prevention efforts. /Abstract from report summary page/
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