Knowledge management technologies
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Abstract:This report presents recommendations for technologies that have potential to contribute to future development and management of Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) information systems. The recommendations are accomplished by examples of designs, software demonstrations, and discussion of experiences using these technologies.
The recommendations cover the following topics: (1) use of object models to capture and to present the structure and processing of KDOT information; use of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and tools to support UML. (2) a structure for flexible, network-based access for KDOT data; use of Java servlet technology and eXtensible Markup Language representation of shared data structures. (3) use of Visual Basic scripts to integrate Office 2000 tools with stored KDOT data; use of Visual Basic scripts and define and enforce KDOT procedures for workflow processing within a network-based environment. (4) structure of a virtual data warehouse for KDOT project and management information for use in studying deeper relationships in existing data. This report, together with all of the supporting examples and references, is also available on-line at the KSU/KDOT website: http:
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