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Edition:Literature review
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Abstract:Recent literature related to acceptance procedures for dense-graded mixtures is summarized. Current state of practice and development of acceptance procedures are reviewed. Many agencies are reducing the number of process control-related parameters included in their specification (e.g., gradation), moving toward an end-result specification. End-result specifications are suited to Oregon's needs at present; however, performance-related specifications currently do not appear to be suited to Oregon needs. Many agencies are increasing the use of mix volumetrics in specifications, in part because the use of Superpave mixes is increasing and these mixes are designed using mix volumetrics. Recommended specifications for Superpave and stone-matrix asphalt mixes are available and have been implemented by some states. Pay factor equations have been formulated that allow separation of the parameter mean and standard deviation, thus encouraging the contractor to hit the job mix formula target and minimize the process variability. Implementation of any specification requires the development and analysis of operational characteristic curves, and these curves can only be developed if acceptable and rejectable quality levels and owner and contractor risks can be defined. Computer programs are available that allow the rapid development of these curves. Simulation of the performance of specifications, as well as analysis of contractor and owner risks, are also possible through the use of simulation software such as ILLISIM.
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