The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) by cold in-place recycling (CIR) recycles approximately 120 to 160 km of pavement a year as a part of their 1-R maintenance program. Originally KDOT utilized asphalt emulsions (AE) as the additive in CIR mixtures, but based on performance concerns currently utilizes type C fly ash. Recent research indicates that the use of CIR with asphalt emulsion and hydrated lime, introduced as hot slurry, provides improved performance. KDOT constructed two test sections on US-283 using type C fly ash and CSS-1 with hot lime slurry and type C fly ash. Two additional asphalt emulsions were evaluated as well, CMS-1 and HFE-150. The cores and laboratory samples were tested for tensile strength, AASHTO T283, resilient modulus and for rutting resistance and moisture damage using the Asphalt Pavement Analyzer (Georgia Rut Tester). Results indicate that the use of hot lime slurry improves the performance of CIR with AE, regardless of the emulsion used and that AE with hot lime slurry could be an alternative to the use of type C fly ash in CIR mixtures. References, appendix, 84p.
This study explored the potential effects of using different Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) technologies on the rut, fatigue and moisture-induced damage poten...
This design pamphlet details suggested procedures to determine the design resilient modulus of different pavement materials in support of the 1993 AAS...
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