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Edition:Final; Feb 1997-Jun 1997
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Abstract:Following a series of qualitative interviews with South Dakota Department of Transportation (SD DOT) as well as consumers during the week of March 24, 1997, a telephone survey of 800 interviews was conducted between April 17 and May 8, 1997 among two samples - 768 Citizens of SD and 32 current and former state legislators. Average interview length was 23 minutes and 14 seconds. When asked what the SD DOT does, the overwhelming majority of respondents noted that the SD DOT "Checks on/Maintains Roads/Bridges." Many respondents also mentioned "Snow Removal/Winter Maintenance." When asked to "grade" the SD DOT on the job it did, two out of three Citizen respondents gave the SD DOT a grade of "A" or "B" (Overall mean of 3.66 or "B-"); Legislators gave the SD DOT a solid "B" (overall mean of 4.19). Respondents were asked to weight six items by importance. The most important Primary Attribute was "Maintaining the Highway Surface," which was weighted with over one-third of all points. In another weighting exercise, respondents weighted several secondary attributes describing "Maintaining the Highway Surface." Here "Snow and ice removal" and "Keeping pavement smooth" received the heaviest weights. Respondents were asked for their opinions on several other items, including: those who favored a gasoline tax increase averaged at least a 2.9 cent hike; they felt that two-thirds of SD DOT budget should be spent on "Repairing and maintaining existing highways," rather than "building new highways"; respondents felt they were not receiving enough information from the SD DOT; and respondents would rather drive through a construction zone than detour around it. Based upon these results, a series of recommendations were formulated: (1) The SD DOT should focus upon its key tasks; (2) The SD DOT should immediately communicate the results of this study internally; (3) The SD DOT should immediately communicate the results of this study externally; (4) Further research and action planning is needed to address the situation in the Rapid City region; and (5) This study should be repeated within the next 12-18 months.
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