Effect of Liquefaction on Lateral Response of Piles by Centrifuge Model Tests
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Abstract:This article presents work conducted on the effect of liquefaction on lateral pile response. Many existing bridges are founded on piles driven through loose sand that may liquefy during earthquake shaking. Both lateral stiffness and lateral capacity of piles (friction or end-bearing) are very sensitive to the properties of the surrounding soil. In current seismic analysis procedures, the effect of soil on lateral response is incorporated through nonlinear distributed soil springs along the pile within a beam-on-elastic foundation formulation. The pressure-deflection curves characterizing those springs, called p-y curves, depend on pile diameter, soil properties, and state of effective stresses. Therefore, it is of great interest to evaluate the influence of the pore water pressure buildup in the sand due to the shaking on the p-y curves controlling the lateral response of the pile during the rest of the shaking. This is being done in this project by means of centrifuge model testing at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 100 g-ton geotechnical centrifuge in Troy, New York. It is expected that this will result in a proposed guideline for seismic analysis of piles in liquefying sand. Reprinted from January 1995 NCEER Bulletin. 5p.
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