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Abstract:This document allows the On Scene Coordinator (OSC) or Captain of the Port (COTP) to formulate and evaluate the impact of a Salvage Plan. Specifically, this document allows the OSC or COTP to: 1. Quickly gather all information needed during the response to a marine casualty, 2. Provide the Responsible Party (RP) with a guide for preparing and submitting a salvage plan, 3. Develop quick action response plans specific to their unit, 4. Evaluate Salvage Plans for their impact on: a) personnel safety, b) the environment, c) waterways and shipping, d) commercial facilities, e) recreational areas, and f) the overall response effort. All sections of this document are not applicable to every salvage evolution. As a result, only those sections applicable to the current evolution should be used in preparing the Salvage Plan. The amount of information required within this document is lengthy; however, this information is required to ensure the safety of all persons working in the salvage evolution. This checklist is not intended to replace the expertise of a qualified Salvage Master, Salvage Engineer, or Naval Architect. In addition, this document is not intended to incorporate all safety issues for a salvage operation. This list is only offered as guidance for gathering information commonly requested by the Coast Guard when overseeing a salvage operation. The OSC or COTP may require additional information due to particular circumstances. Lastly, there may be marine casualties which do not allow for long surveys or extensive considerations for alternative plans of action. For such rapid casualty responses, the Coast Guard suggests using its Rapid Salvage Survey for data collection. This document provides the following checklists: a) the General Salvage Survey, b) Site Condition Survey, c) Casualty Information Surveys, and d) Salvage Response Operation Surveys.
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