Estimates of Urban Roadway Congestion, 1990: Interim Report
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Abstract:This research report is the fifth year continuation of a six year research effort focused on quantifying urban mobility. This study contains the facility information for 50 urban areas throughout the country. The database used for this research contains vehicle-miles of travel, urban area information, and facility mileage data from 1982 to 1990. Various federal, state, and local agencies provided the information used to update and verify the primary database. The primary database and source of information is the Federal Highway Administration's Highway Performance Monitoring system (HPMS). Vehicle-miles of travel and lane-mile data were combined to develop Roadway Congestion Index (RCI) values for 50 urban areas including the seven largest in Texas. These RCI values provide an indicator of the relative mobility level within an urban area. An analysis of the impacts and cost of congestion were also performed using travel delay, increased fuel consumption, and additional facility lane-miles as measures of urban mobility. Congestion costs were estimated on an area wide, per registered vehicle, and per capita basis. Research Study Title: 1989 Roadway Congestion Estimates and Trends; Study No. 2-10-90-1131. Tables, figures, references. 3372k, 81p.
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