West shore hood canal outfall windshield survey SR 101 MP 293.5 tO 341.0
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Abstract:Western Washington's population increased dramatically during the last 40 years. The west shore of Hood Canal is now largely settled with the homes of retirees and seasonal residents. Many of these beachfront houses are connected to septic systems that are totally inadequate. Domestic sewage leakage has caused the closure of oyster and shellfish beds in some areas. The diversity and abundance of fish and marine life has also decreased. Highway stormwater runoff has the potential to reduce water quality. WSDOT began to inventory and characterize stormwater outfalls in 1993. Detailed field surveys have been completed for most highways in the major population centers. Less intensive windshield surveys have been completed in some potentially
sensitive rural locations, such as this portion of SR 101. Outfall surveys are an important tool in planning for the protection of water
resources. This survey had three main purposes:
1. Locate stormwater outfalls by geographic coordinates
2. Describe the roadway drainage areas and surrounding environment, and
3. Rate each outfall.
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