The primary objectives of this study were to provide the data: (1)
to update the trip generation rates used in the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) travel demand forecasting process, and; (2) to validate the MAG trip distribution model. The basic intent of this summary report is to provide the reader with a description of the procedures followed during the undertaking of this study and a general overview of travel patterns within the Metropolitan Phoenix Area. Where appropriate, the data is compared to the results from the 1981 Household Travel Survey to examine changes in travel patterns.
Walking is the most effective mode of travel to access transit: transit hubs with higher residential and employment densities have higherridership lev...
United States. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Americans total 1.3 trillion person-miles of long distance travel a year on about 2.6 billion long-distance trips. Long-distance trips are journeys of...
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