Cost, weight and lead time impacts of a Mercedes-Benz ?Sensormat? type occupant detection system
By Spinney, B.
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Abstract:This summary report is based, in part, on the findings contained in Contract No. DTNH22-96-C-02063 entitled "Cost Analysis of the Mercedes-Benz Occupant Detection System for Air Bag Shut-Off" prepared by Ludtke and Associates of Washington, Michigan. The purpose of the contract was to develop absolute and incremental estimates of the variable manufacturing costs, weights, lead time, and capital investments associated with adopting the Mercedes-Benz "Sensormat" type front passenger seat occupant detection system for air bag shut-off. Using the contractor's estimates of variable manufacturing costs as the starting point, NHTSA applied mark-up factors developed from analysis of auto manufacturer and supplier income statements to arrive at the incremental retail price estimates shown below: Occupant Detection Switch and System Support -With Mercedes-Benz Air Bag Control Module, $12; -With Domestic Air Bag Control Module, $19; -Incremental Weight, 3.7 oz.; -Required Lead Time - One Model Line, 22 Mo. In addition, the contractor developed cost and weight estimates for the Mercedes air bag control module from which retail price equivalents have been projected: -Air Bag Control Module, $145; -Air Bag Control Module with "Sensormat" System, $153; Absolute Weight, 4.5 oz. All cost estimates are based on U.S. labor rates, materials costs and economies of scale.
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