The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Traffic Safety Plan for Older Persons
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Abstract:This 1993 research serves as a follow-up to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration plan in 1988 that indicates that older drivers are overrepresented in crashes at intersections and during certain hours of the day, that they are underrepresented in crashes involving alcohol or speed, and that many older drivers tend to self- adjust their driving to accommodate any reduction in functional capacity. The results also showed that older driver safety problems are concentrated among older drivers who are either unaware of their difficulties or unable to make compensating adjustments to their driving. Included are drivers with peripheral vision problems that are not easily detectable with standard vision tests or those who cannot comprehend their difficulties, such as those with dementia. Similar problems were also uncovered in pedestrian safety. In addition, the research confirmed that drivers, passengers, or pedestrians over age 80 are more likely to be injured or killed in a crash than younger persons.
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