A safety study of the operational relationship between ship masters/watchkeeping officers and marine pilots
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Abstract:Of the 273 occurrences involving vessels in Canadian pilotage waters between 1981 and 1992, 200 involved human factors. A high percentage of those 200 occurrences were identified as being associated with pilots. This study examines the operational relationships between pilots and masters/officers of the watch on Canadian and foreign vessels over 5,000 gross registered tons that are under the conduct of pilots in Canadian pilotage waters. The objective of the study is to identify safety deficiencies associated with teamwork on the bridge, including communications between marine pilots and masters. The study methodology included interviews with representatives of pilotage authorities, the shipping industry, and the Coast Guard; a survey of masters, officers of the watch, and pilots; and a literature review. The study ends with recommendations for improvements in hand-over briefings, communication language, vessel movement monitoring, and teamwork. (44 p.)
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