U.S. Coast Guard : use of DOD funds for national security functions
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Abstract:The $$300 million was transferred to the Coast Guard in compliance with the statutorily required certification by the Secretary of Transportation and the Secretary of Defense that those funds would be used only for the performance of national security functions. The funds were transferred to the operating expense account from which all Coast Guard programs and activities are paid. Since the Coast Guard's operating expense account is not set up to distinguish between national security expenses and civilian expenses, it is not possible to precisely identify how the transferred funds were used. The Coast Guard estimated that it would spend approximately $$324 million in fiscal year 1997 for four selected national security functions in support of DOD. These functions included defense readiness, domestic support of ports and waterways, specific functions spelled out in a memorandum of agreement with DOD, and support of commanders in chief operation plans. These functions appear to be appropriately designated as national security functions in support of DOD. The Coast Guard also identified other substantial national security expenses in the areas of military personnel and assets that are not included in their estimated expenses. In addition, $$320 million was planned for drug interdiction, which the Coast Guard currently considers to be a national security function in support of DOD.
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