Mobility match study in Prince George's County, Maryland
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TRIS Online Accession Number:677934
Edition:Final report
Corporate Publisher:
NTL Classification:NTL-PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION-Transit Planning and Policy
Abstract:The primary focus of this study was to develop non-traditional transit
alternatives to better serve the residents of Prince George's County. The study
identified the transportation needs of the area, evaluated the applicabilty of
traditional and non-traditional transit options and developed an implementation
plan for the selected transportation services. The project selected likely
destination areas for non-traditional transit services in the County using
census demographic data; information on location of major employment, retail,
and educational centers; and an inventory of available transit service in the
County. The potential number of users of non-traditional transit was estimated
on the basis of the distance from employee residences to employment clusters,
accessibility via existing transit service, and assessed need and
non-traditional transit potential of residential communities.
A range of non-traditional transit options was developed to serve the needs of
several key areas in the County. Detailed operating and implementation plans
were developed for three of the options. One of the recommended options is the
shuttle operated with small buses, developed to serve the needs of the Prince
George's Plaza/Hyattsville areas. This options would improve the livability of
these communities. A second option provides a connection between a major
hospital (currently unserved by transit) with nearby residential communities and
a majro shopping center in the County. This service would be operated as fixed
route during the peak periods and route deviated service during off-peak hours.
The third recommended service is another community-oriented bus that provides
frequent connections between a newly developed residential community, metro
stations and retail establishments. The study recommends teh implementation of
the three options to evaluate teh applicability of the proposed non-traditional
transit in serving the needs of suburban communities.
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