The Visual Detection of Driving While Intoxicated: Field Test of Visual Cues and Detection Methods
Alternative Title:The visual detection of DWI : field test of visual cues and detection methods
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Edition:Final report
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Abstract:A Drunk Driver Detection Guide was developed and tested at a sample of 10 law enforcement agencies at locations throughout the United States. The test was designed to provide both longitudinal and cross-sectional analyses of several measures likely to reflect the impact and utility of using the Guide, and to verify the values contained in the Guide. Use of the Guide was accompanied by a statistically significant overall increase in DWI arrest rate of 12 percent. Rates during a three-month period, in which the Guide was used, were compared to a 12-month baseline period. Five individual agencies had significant increases of up to 94 percent; four agencies had no change; and one agency had a significant decrease. The DWI probability values contained in the Guide were verified by the field-test results. Average values obtained during the field test were essentially the same as average values on the Guide, and Guide values for individual cues correlated significantly with corresponding values calculated from field-test data. Experienced police officers who used the Guide expressed doubts about its value in improving their own DWI enforcement ability. However, they considered the Guide to be valuable for increasing patrol sensitivity to important cues, training new patrol officers, preparing DWI arrest reports, and supporting court testimony. /Abstract from report summary page/
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