LDV measurements of B-747 wake vortex characteristics
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Abstract:In order to determine the behavior of the wake vortices of a B-747 at low
altitudes and to measure the vortex decay process behind the B-747 as a function
of altitude above ground, flap and spoiler settings and different flight configurations; a B-747 aircraft flew 54 passes at low level over a ground-based laser
Doppler velocimeter (LDV) system and other sensors. From the LDV measurements, the location and velocity distribution of the wake vortices and the general
vortex roll-up, transport and decay trends were obtained. Results of the study
indicated that the deployment of spoilers and flaps enhanced the decay of the vortex
peak tangential velocity in the near wake while aircraft altitude glide slope, and
landing gear deployment has little effect. The report discusses the LDV wake
vortex measurements including the instrumentation used, the experimental test
sequence, and the results of the wake measurements in terms of the vortex roll-up,
transport and decay trends, and a comparison of the wake vortex characteristics
for different configurations.
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