Use of color on airport moving maps and cockpit displays of traffic information (CDTIs)
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Edition:Preliminary draft report
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Abstract:Color can be an effective method for coding visual information, making it easier to find and identify symbols on a display (Christ, 1975). However, careful consideration should be given when applying color because excessive or inappropriate use of color can add confusion to an already complex display. A wealth of guidance exists for how to effectively use color in electronic displays, but it is spread across both Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulatory and guidance material and general human factors technical reports. Additionally, this information may not be presented in a way that clearly specifies how it can be applied to color use on an airport moving map or other avionics displays. The purpose of this document is to present known issues related to color which have been identified on current airport moving maps and Cockpit Displays of Traffic Information (CDTIs). This document also compiles FAA regulatory and guidance material, industry documents, and human factors research recommendations which address the use of color. Potential evaluation criteria for how an evaluator may assess the use of color on airport moving maps or other avionics displays are proposed.
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