An algorithm for generating data accessibility recommendations for flight deck Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) applications
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Abstract:Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) In technology supports the display of traffic data on Cockpit Displays of Traffic Information (CDTIs). The data are used by flightcrews to perform defined self-separation procedures, such as the in-trail procedure (ITP). Crews must have appropriate access to the data they need to perform the procedure. This report proposes an algorithm for determining whether data are satisfactorily accessible for each ADS-B task and procedure. Accessibility is defined as the effort of finding data on a visual display and looking directly at the data. The premise of the algorithm is that the more important the data for the procedure, the higher its recommended accessibility should be. The data’s importance depends on a combination of their criticality and update rate, which are determined by expert judgment. The algorithm generates tables indicating recommended virtual locations for the data on the CDTI. Examples of algorithm inputs and output are provided. Additional work is required to validate the algorithm output. If the algorithm works as intended, it can be used to answer questions about how the data should be shown on the CDTI and where the CDTI can be installed on the flight deck.
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