Regional alternative transportation evaluation report - region 1
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Abstract:The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Volpe Center (Volpe Center) conducted a regional alternative transportation evaluation (RATE) in Region 1, which is comprised of Oregon, Idaho, Washington, and Hawaii, to ensure effective consideration and integration of alternative transportation systems (ATS, Box 1) into the goals and recommendations of the Region 1 LRTP. The Region 1 RATE was also meant to serve as a pilot for the integration of ATS into the National FWS Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). Staff from the Volpe Center, FWS Region 1, and Western Federal Lands Highways (WFLH) met in Portland, Oregon, in October 2010, to discuss alternative transportation needs and constraints in the region and to develop an ATS Questionnaire. Volpe Center staff also visited Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge (NWR), Steigerwald Lake NWR, the Mid-Columbia Refuge Complex, and the Spring Creek National Fish Hatchery to identify specific opportunities for ATS in these and other stations. The RATE also provided lessons on how ATS may be instituted more broadly across Region 1.
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