Rail Transit System Maintenance Practices for Automatic Fare Collection Equipment
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Abstract:A review of rail transit system maintenance practices for automatic fare collection (AFC) equipment was performed. This study supports an UMTA sponsored program to improve the reliability of AFC equipment. The maintenance practices of the transit systems are generally similar, however, several exceptions were found which have potential for improving AFC equipment reliability if more widely adopted. Those practices worthy of consideration include: dedicated crews for performing preventive maintenance, automated scheduling and monitoring of preventive maintenance actions, incentives for additional training of maintenance technicians, and automated systems for management and analysis of information on maintenance problems and actions. Results of the study suggest that the many advantages of AFC equipment, particularly those capablle of performing complex functions, are achieved at the expense of more intensive maintenance requirement. Further analyses may support development of more effective maintenanc eprograms by dtermining if relationships can be established between specific maintenance practices and the reliability of AFC equipment on different transit systems.
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