Performance Assessment Methods and Results for Transit Automatic Fare Collection Equipment
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Abstract:This report presents performance assessment methods for transit automatic fare collection (AFC) equipment. The methods developed are based on the experience gained from a series of performance assessments that have been undertaken at eight U.S., and three foreign transit systems. The report is intended to intended to assist rail transit systems in their assessment of equipment, promote uniformity in applications, improve communications, and help achieve a better understanding of problems and issues. The development effort has been conducted as part of the UMTA Rail Transit Fare Collection (RTFC) Project. The overall goal of the RTFC project is to aid in the development of improved AFC systems for rail transit. The expected benefits from the project include improved operating efficiency and reduced labor and maintenance costs at the transit systems. The report represents a source document for assessment methodology. It defines key AFC terms and concepts, describes rail transit AFC systems, presents and discusses performance methods, as well as the results of the systems assessments and industry AFC contract specifications. Also included in the report is a discussion of the requirements for interfacing AFC information with the UMTA Transit Reliability Information Program (TRIP).
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