National Transportation Strategic Research Plan
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National Transportation Strategic Research Plan

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  • Abstract:
    The high level of mobility and affordable access made possible by the U.S. transportation system is critical to America's economic well-being and quality of life. The National Science and Technology Council's National Transportation Science and Technology Strategy, issued in April 1999, has four key elements: Strategic Planning and Assessment, Partnership Initiatives, Enabling Research, and Education and Training. This Transportation Strategic Research Plan addresses the Enabling Research element. It incorporates R&D activities with clear potential relevance to one or more transportation modes or functions, regardless of the objectives for which it is conducted or the performing agency. This document, the National Transportation Strategic Research Plan, builds on the initial Strategic Research Plan issued in 1999 to present updated budget authorization data and other information on Federal enabling research. It differs from the 1999 plan in three ways: (1) It incorporates more recent data, (2) It includes a seventh category of enabling research, Social and Economic Policy Issues, and (3) It contains a section on critical "breakthrough" research areas. This plan is the first step in an ongoing, evolving process to guide and stimulate strategic research in transportation. The emphasis in this initial plan has been development of a basic scan of ongoing Federal research that, regardless of the purpose for which it was undertaken or the performing agency, can potentially contribute to innovation in transportation applications. As such, this plan presents a context and framework for increasing the synergy among Federal agency research programs, and heightening awareness and utilization of the results of that research by states, localities, and the private sector.
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