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Abstract:This report presents the results of a parking demonstration operated by the City of Hermosa Beach, California, and funded by the Urban Mass Transportation Administration. Under the project, long-term on-street parking in the residential areas near the city's popular beach required a permit. Area residents were able to purchase permits for their own vehicles or guest use at a nominal price. Non-residents could purchase daily permits at a higher price or park at meters near the beach. As an alternative, a free park-and-ride system was provided from lots on the edge of the zone. The purpose of the program was to reduce the problems residents faced in trying to find on-street parking and alleviate the safety problems caused by the traffic congestion in the residential areas. This report assesses the demand for each of the project elements and effect of the project on local parking and traffic conditions. It also assesses the costs of and revenues from the project and its ability to be financially self-sufficient. Finally, it gives conclusions derived from this project that may be applicable to similar programs implemented elsewhere. This report is similar to one evaluating a companion demonstration conducted in Santa Cruz County, California, although there are numerous differences in the characteristics of the sites and the specific programs which were implemented.
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