Analysis of helicopter position determination methods
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Abstract:The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), along with members of the helicopter industry, is continually searching for methods to reduce the cost and effort required for helicopter noise certification. In September 1992, the FAA adopted Appendix J of the Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR), part 36, which simplifies the certification procedures for helicopters under 6000 lb gross weight. In addition, test methods have been proposed by several helicopter manufacturers which will further simplify the complex data acquisition methods required by FAR, Part 36, Appendix H. The accuracy of these simplified methods is being evaluated by reporcessing and analyzing previously collected data and comparing the results with those computed using the more complex, Appendix H procedure. Reprocessing and analysis is being conducted by the USDOT/RSPA/Volpe Center Acoustics Facility, in conjunction with the FAA, and various members of the helicopter industry. The objective of this effort is to reduce complexity of the noise certificatin process without sacrificing the accuracy of the relevant noise levels.
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