Derailments Decrease at a C3RS Site at Midterm
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Edition:Research results.
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Abstract:The Federal Railroad Administration’s (FRA) Office of Railroad Policy and Development believes that in addition to process and technology innovations, human factors-based solutions can make a significant contribution to improving safety in the railroad industry. To test this assumption, FRA implemented the Confidential Close-Call Reporting System (C3RS), which includes (1) voluntary confidential reporting of close-call events by employees and root-cause-analysis problem solving by a Peer Review Team (PRT) composed of labor, management, and FRA; (2) identification and implementation of corrective actions; (3) tracking the results of change; and (4) reporting the results of change to employees. Confidential reporting and joint labor-management-FRA root-cause problem solving are the most innovative of these characteristics for the railroad industry. Demonstration pilot sites are at Union Pacific Railroad (UP), Canadian Pacific Railway (CP), New Jersey Transit (NJT), and Amtrak.
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